Friday, March 26, 2010

Some black and whites for the weekend

Black and white images are the best way to express feelings and emotions in most images. You can take the same image and convert it to colour and you won't get the same emotional effect. The image of the Kgala male walking through the long grass shows the emotion of anger and the strive to kill. They were on the spoor of other male lions in their territory when we found them. Those eyes said it all. Its if there are something different happening to them that I cant explain. You have to be there to experience the same emotions.

This was Sepoko in Tswana it means "ghost" this is one of 5 caramel coloured leopards that have been recorded in Southern Africa, Quite a rare sighting. He is lying on the branch telling us that we are extremely lucky to see him. He layed still for 2min then got down and disapeared in the thickets.

Enjoy the weekend



  1. HI Grant,
    it is even more impressive in black and white... The second and the last shots are splendid and full of expressions!! Beautiful!

  2. Totally agree with Chris. Very impressive with the B&W. Awesome shots! ;^)
